for the AI Wave: the fundamentals of your AI strategy

Prepare for the AI Wave: the fundamentals of your AI strategy

Do you want to keep up with AI developments while creating a unique competitive edge? Let Macaw show you how AI can positively influence the future of your organization.
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AI: the new wave in digital transformation 

Artificial Intelligence (AI), the new wave in digital transformation, plays a crucial role in the success of organizations. It affects customer experience, employee productivity, and operational efficiency. It is a topic in every boardroom: how can we keep up with this wave and at the same time create a unique competitive advantage? 

The foundations of a future-proof AI strategy 

AI is becoming more accessible through the integration of Large Language Models (LLM), also known as generative AI. Whether you are responsible for marketing, HR, finance, or operations, AI is making its way into all your processes and tools. With tools like ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot, soon every employee will have an AI assistant. 

However, there is a catch. If your data is incorrect or if documents are outdated, AI can lead you astray. Therefore, it is crucial that your foundation is in order, so that your employees and customers can fully benefit from the possibilities of AI. Consider your data management, the knowledge stored in documents, your IT landscape and infrastructure, and setting up governance. AI must also be used in a safe and ethical manner. Macaw helps your organization with the building blocks of AI and the strategic outlook on AI. 

Experimenting with AI: the key to success 

Market leaders are already improving their services and processes. They deploy smart chatbots on their websites, use the technology for purchase predictions and fraud detection. The ways to do things faster, more efficiently, or cheaper are numerous, but the real potential of AI lies in innovation. How do you create entirely new business models and ways of working? There is only one way to find out, and that is by doing it. Now. Experimenting leads to innovation. 

Surf the AI wave with Macaw 

Where do you start and how do you tackle AI implementation? Macaw is ready to support your organization with developing the first valuable applications, a strong foundation, and your overall AI strategy. Start today and learn along the way. 

Macaw is a pioneer in technological innovations. Thanks to our strategic partnership with Microsoft and our team of experts and Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs), we can make clients like Heineken, Boskalis, and ABN AMRO even more successful with cutting-edge technologies. Together, we transform technology into value for customers, employees, and the entire organization. 

Discover how Macaw can be your guide in the world of AI. Contact us or let our strategists inspire you during the Microsoft & Macaw: AI Roadshow. 

Personal advice?
Our experts will be happy to help! Call us at 023 - 206060 or fill in our digital contact form.

Digital Work in 2022

Projects we are proud of
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Explore how seven top hospitals in the Netherlands transformed patient care with data. Guided by Macaw, Santeon developed the Health Intelligence Platform Santeon (HIPS) on Microsoft's platform, unifying data to drive innovation and improve outcomes.
With the goal of increasing employee productivity, FrieslandCampina implemented the Power Platform with the help of Macaw. This resulted in the development of several smart business apps and significant time savings within the company.
Cube Cold
Cube Cold Europe implemented a Smart Data Platform with Macaw, enabling them to quickly integrate new companies and have daily insights into the financial data of subsidiaries. This led to more efficient business operations and better financial management.
Klaverblad Verzekeringen
Klaverblad Verzekeringen modernized their knowledge management system with Macaw. This improved collaboration and communication within the organization and led to more efficient information management. The implementation of these systems was a crucial step in their digital transformation.
Nutreco revolutionizes global agriculture with Microsoft 365 solutions, empowering farmers with enhanced productivity and sustainability. Discover how Nutreco's Smart Workplace Program and Dynamics 365 implementation drive innovation across 37 countries, ensuring leadership in sustainable food production.
Facts & Figures
About Macaw

We are happy to help you to create a unique customer experience, empowering your employees and optimizing your IT Operations. The ingredients for a successful digital transformation within your organization. Curious to know how you can benefit from our expertise?

Years of experience as a full service digital partner.
Customers which we help to be more successful. Brands like Heineken, T-mobile, Schmitz Cargobull and KLM.
Talents working in the Netherlands, Germany and Lithuania.
Core partnerships: Microsoft Gold Partner & Sitecore Platinum Implementation Partner
Platforms for your success: Digital Marketing & Commerce; Business Applications; Data, Analytics & AI; Collaboration & Modern Workplace
Our position as a Great Place To Work in 2020.
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