
Increase your conversion rate with the right UX design

A good user experience always wins! Read more about the trends and our vision on UX here.
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A good user experience (UX) always wins. And for a product to survive today, it must be easy to use. Customers expect the same intuitive and enjoyable experience they’re used to from other digital platforms, stores, and apps. If your solution doesn’t offer a satisfying UX design, customers will wander off to one of your competitors, who are often just a click away. That’s why you need a holistic approach combined with tangible insights from the (user) data you collect.

What is user experience design?

A successful user interface immediately catches the eye and is your best selling point. User experience design, or UX design for short, by definition deals with the analysis, creation and optimization of the user experience. Its goal is to make the design of a website clearer, more concise and thus more user-friendly. A good UX therefore focuses on relevant content and functions, reduces complexity and saves users’ time. If customers are able to find what they’re looking for more easily with your website, they’ll be far less likely to move on to a competitor.

The difference between UI and UX design

What’s more important in keeping a customer on a website or in an online store: A user-friendly interface or an appealing design? The answer is simple: It’s the combination of user experience design and user interface design. While the two areas may initially seem independent of one another, in terms of customer experience they go hand-in-hand. Put simply, UI designers care about making a digital product or interactive application look good. UX designers, on the other hand, are responsible for ensuring that the product provides a positive user experience. To do this, they draw on surveys, eye-tracking studies, and other scientific data. Only when your website fulfills both criteria will you be able to sustainably increase the value of your brand.

Understanding the Customer Journey

Why does a user diligently fill its digital shopping cart but not complete the purchase? Why does another customer interact actively with company posts on Facebook but never visit the website? We can help you find answers to these questions and optimize the customer journey. To do this, you need to understand how users interact with your website and where things go wrong. Our UX approach includes identifying different customer journey paths or conversion funnels that exist on a website in order to identify potential friction and exit points. This helps increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

The most important trends in UX design

Traditional and static product presentations are a thing of the past; creative solutions are now in demand. Animations and moving images, an interactive visual design with VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality) as well as the use of 3D images are among the trends currently on the rise. An innovative product presentation ensures maximum attention and, most importantly, ensures that your company stands out from the crowd. At the same time, however, you have to remember to offer relevant content and ensure an optimal customer journey. This will help achieve a higher dwell time from your visitors, who are still focused on their actual goal. It all adds up to increasing the likelihood that your conversion rate will rise. Macaw can enable you to offer your customers a more tangible, vivid product experience through the help of various technologies, which create a more authentic experience.

How to improve the UX design of your website

More and more companies have come to understand that UX design is not a mere makeover of the user interface, but a tool to increase customer satisfaction. At Macaw, we translate the collected data into tailored measures for you: This starts with the identification of user needs through target group analyses, continues with the creation of relevant personas to better understand the interests and needs of your customers, and ends with the analysis of relevant touch points in the customer journey. This way, we ensure that optimizations are not based on assumptions, opinions, or even gut feelings, but are robust. Regular usability tests, which we plan and carry out for you, serve as monitoring tools. This gives you specific areas for optimization and recommendations for action.

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About Macaw

We are happy to help you to create a unique customer experience, empowering your employees and optimizing your IT Operations. The ingredients for a successful digital transformation within your organization. Curious to know how you can benefit from our expertise?

Years of experience as a full service digital partner.
Customers which we help to be more successful. Brands like Heineken, T-mobile, Schmitz Cargobull and KLM.
Talents working in the Netherlands, Germany and Lithuania.
Core partnerships: Microsoft Gold Partner & Sitecore Platinum Implementation Partner
Platforms for your success: Digital Marketing & Commerce; Business Applications; Data, Analytics & AI; Collaboration & Modern Workplace
Our position as a Great Place To Work in 2020.
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